Monday, December 24, 2007

Vigilia di Natale

Feeling a bit sluggish today on this sunny Christmas Eve.  After growling at Swiss Mr. for turning on the lights, in an animal way that disturbed even myself, I have been drinking coffee and puttering the house with puffy eyes that won't wake up.  Can't seem to get much traction doing anything but aimlessly clicking things on my computer.

Since it is not technically a holiday here, people in our building are moving in, drilling, dragging -- performing basically any noisy activity they can find the resources to make. Somehow this has made me feel more like taking photos of the neighbor moving in across the hall through the peephole (which did not work) and looking out the window than cutting up bread cubes or frying up sausage.  

In case you, too, are feeling more voyeuristic than festive, please view a few shots of our home, made cheery by the thoughtfulness of mothers and friends, Christmas cards, and an expensive pine tree we hope lives until next year.  (We do not claim to compete with Oijoy.)

Hoping Babbo Natale likes catnip cookies.


Anonymous said...

I love the stockings! Merry Christmas! Your place looks way more festive than ours...which looks like any other day. Miss you two.

janet l moran said...

your place looks great! We miss you guys so much this Christmas. Got eggnog there? Should we mail you some?